Like the white wing of the albatross on the monotonous breath of the Pacific, so, wandering to wander, the sail of the true sailor goes.
Corto Maltese

PhD. Arch. Eugenio Martera

CEO and General Director

Founder of Contemporanea Progetti in 1999 with Patrizia Pietrogrande, Eugenio is the Chief Executive Officer and General Manager of the company. 

Responsible for the Artistic Direction of the company, he coordinates a staff comprised of architects specialized in museum and exhibition design, art historians, archaeologists, communication experts, graphic designers, videomakers and multimedia experts: a multi-professional group with experience consolidated in the design of temporary exhibitions and museums in Italy and abroad.

PhD from the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Florence, he worked as a Professor holding courses in Architectural Design, Exhibitions and Museography, Interior Architecture, Theories of Contemporary Architectural Research. He also founded the international architecture magazine “AND” which he managed until 2009.

Specialized in museology and museography, he carries out research in the field of contemporary museography with a particular focus on the interaction between the exhibition design and the visitors and between technological and advanced IT systems, coordinating complex projects where original artworks dialogue with interactive and multimedia devices. 

In over 25 years of activity he has collaborated with the main Italian museums, developing art and archeology exhibitions for important international museums all over the world.

Contact Us
via del Campofiore, 106 - Firenze
+39 055 6802474

    Contemporanea Progetti Srl – Via del Campofiore, 106 – 50136 Firenze – Italia – Reg. Imprese, C.F e Partita Iva: 04960390484 – Numero REA: FI – 505041 – Capitale Sociale: €. 72.858,00 i.v. – Certificazione ISO 9001:2008