Immersive ExperienceRenaissance in Florence Experience

Renaissance in Florence Experience

During the 1400s, a profound and tenacious cultural revolution, originating in Florence, Italy, spread throughout Europe. So profound was its effect, that it not only transformed society, but man’s perception of himself then and now as it continues to influence the modern consciousness of western civilization. It is known in history as the Renaissance and it embodied an awakening, an opening of the mind and the freedom to think, dream, invent and draw. The legendary artistic geniuses of the Florentine Renaissance and the spirit of humanism that guided that great season in the history of man come to life in this dynamic, immersive experience leading the visitor on a journey through the events and masterpieces of the Renaissance in Florence: from its origins with painters like Masaccio, Filippo Lippi, and Beato Angelico, to its peak with Michelangelo, Leonardo, and Raffaello.
Synchronised with a powerful soundtrack, multimedia spaces and large images come together to create an electrifying setting filling giant screens, walls and scenographic environments, totally immersing the visitor in the colours and configurations of the Italian Renaissance against the backdrop of the magnificent city of Florence.


  • Florence in the 15th Century
  • Masaccio, Beato Angelico, Filippo Lippi
  • The Brunelleschi’s Dome
  • Inside the Mind
  • The Davids: Donatello, Verrocchio, Michelangelo
  • Raffaello, Leonardo, Michelangelo
  • The Icons: Mona Lisa, Tondo Doni, Madonna del Cardellino


  • Multimedia environments
  • Holograms
  • Light boxes
  • Video projections
  • Multimedia wall
  • Reproductions
  • Large graphic walls


An extraordinary multisensory experience immersing you in Florence, one of the most beautiful cities in the world, with the Geniuses of the Renaissance and their unique masterpieces



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    Contact Us
    via del Campofiore, 106 - Firenze
    +39 055 6802474

      Contemporanea Progetti Srl – Via del Campofiore, 106 – 50136 Firenze – Italia – Reg. Imprese, C.F e Partita Iva: 04960390484 – Numero REA: FI – 505041 – Capitale Sociale: €. 72.858,00 i.v. – Certificazione ISO 9001:2008